What is Scorecheck? Background How does it work? Fundamental Principles of Scorecheck are: Trading Stability Profitability Working Capital Debt/Gearing Scoring Process Summary APPENDIX ONE - SCORING CATEGORIES

Once the weighted points and final calculation have been completed it will be necessary to present a scoring category

The scoring categories are:

G Gazette Code present
I The accounts are insolvent (negative net worth)
O The accounts are out of date
F The accounts are very poor
E The accounts are poor
D The accounts are average
C The accounts are above average
B The accounts are good
A The accounts are excellent

Within the categories A to F there will also be a + and - aspect depending on the actual points scored. The groupings will be as follows:

0 - 4 F-
5 - 14 F
15 - 19 F+
20 - 24 E-
25 - 29 E
30 - 34 E+
35 - 39 D-
40 - 44 D
45 - 49 D+
50 - 54 C-
55 - 59 C
60 - 64 C+
65 - 69 B-
70 - 74 B
75 - 79 B+
80 - 84 A-
85 - 94 A
95 - 100 A+

It is the actual score and the score category from the above list that will be displayed to the client.


In addition to the scoring categories shown on the previous page, web users can avail of a traffic light system, which reflects the score awarded and allows for quick assessment. Clients may use the Scorecheck score when determining credit granting authority levels.

The traffic light is awarded as follows: